Hand, Wrist & Nerve Surgeon
94 Laver Drive Robina QLD 4226
Tel: 1300 668 106
Fax: 07 54 739 399
Email: info@randybindra.com.au
Professor Bindra is an Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in surgery of the hand, wrist and peripheral nerve for all age groups, including paediatrics. Professor Bindra has received international training at the University of Mumbai, India, University of Liverpool, UK and Washington University in St Louis, USA. He holds Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Melbourne. He is a Fellow of the Orthopaedic and Hand Surgery Societies of the UK, USA and Australia and currently Chair of Education Committee of the Australian Hand Surgery Society.
Professor Bindra is internationally recognised as a leader in hand and wrist injuries. He treats wrist fractures from falls, work related injuries and multiple fracture injuries from severe trauma. He also performs corrective surgery for fractures that have not healed optimally. Professor Bindra offers keyhole surgery for early arthritis and joint replacement surgery for advanced cases. He treats nerve disorders such as carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome as well as microsurgery for nerve repair and poor circulation of the hand. He has extensive experience replanting amputated digits following trauma. Professor Bindra treats a variety of childhood problems present at birth or developing with growth. He particularly enjoys restoring function in children with cerebral palsy using Botox injections and surgery if needed. Professor Bindra has extensive experience with Collagenase injections for treating Dupuytren’s contracture both in the USA and Australia and has pioneered its use on the Gold Coast. Professor Bindra works closely with a team of hand therapists to provide comprehensive care and rehabilitation of his patients.
Professor Bindra has written over 50 book chapters and medical journal articles and serves on the editorial board for scientific journals. He is a passionate educator and is frequently invited to speak internationally. His dedication to teaching and the well being of junior doctors has won him the honour of ‘Clinical Educator of the Year’ award for the State of Queensland for 2016. He has been in clinical practice for over 20 years and has been recognised in “Best Doctors in America” and “Chicago’s Top Doctors”. Professor Bindra is an innovator in his field having designed surgical implants and techniques used in hand surgery throughout the world.
Professor Bindra receiving the award of Queensland Clinical Educator of the Year at the National Prevocational Educational Forum held in Tasmania, November 2016″. The honor is awarded annually to a senior clinician involved with training postgraduate residents in the State among all medical and surgical specialties.
With Professor Randy Bindra
Professor Bindra performs surgery for private patients at the Gold Coast Private Hospital. He accepts referrals from GPs, rheumatologists, neurologists, emergency physicians as well as tertiary referrals from surgeons.
In addition, he holds a joint appointment as Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Gold Coast University Hospital and Griffith University School of Medicine.
94 Laver Drive Robina QLD 4226
Tel: 1300 668 106 Fax: 07 54 739 399
Email: info@randybindra.com.au
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